Author: bittu | Views: 106 | Updated: 9 months, 3 weeks ago
In a bustling school filled with laughter and cheer,
There was a student, quiet, yet ahead of his peer.
Not one for pictures, nor dances or chatter,
His mind was consumed by a world full of matter.
Coding was his passion, his refuge, his delight,
In its intricate dance, he found solace at night.
While others clicked selfies and shared merry tales,
He delved into algorithms and debugging trails.
As farewell approached, a wave of nostalgia swept by,
Capturing moments, smiles, and tears on the fly.
Students embraced, reminiscing the years gone,
But the introverted coder's heart beat to a different song.
For he saw in parting a chance to unfurl,
To dive deeper into the code, to his own world.
His philosophy unique, his vision so clear,
In solitude, he found new horizons to steer.
While others danced away the night in sorrow,
He embraced solitude, looking forward to tomorrow.
For in the silence and stillness of his own space,
He found a treasure trove of ideas to embrace.
As time rolled on and the world spun its way,
The introverted coder bloomed day by day.
His creations soared, his skills refined,
In the realm of coding, he left others behind.
He crafted wonders, solutions bold and true,
A maestro of algorithms, his brilliance grew.
The world took notice of his unique flair,
A visionary coder, beyond compare.
And so he thrived, in his quiet abode,
A testament to perseverance, in the coding road.
Never feeling alone, in his digital expanse,
For he had found his rhythm, his coding dance.
As the years passed by, his fame did rise,
A legend in coding, to everyone's surprise.
The introverted student, once quiet and shy,
Now a beacon of inspiration, reaching the sky.
So remember this tale, of the coder so bright,
That being different is a gift, not a plight.
Embrace your passions, your dreams, your quests,
For in uniqueness lies greatness, at its very best.